Saturday, June 7, 2008

Immigration: Our Future as a Nation

It is so often that issues become so popular among news agencies only to quickly die off. Lately, it has been the Democratic Primary- but before that was a topic that effects millions of Americans: Immigration. Our nation is currently faced with several crises: The housing market, the middle eastern threat, Al-Qaeda and the declining value of the dollar in the global market. The crisis that is rarely viewed as such could potentially become our greatest- and augment the level of seriousness to the others.

Let me first say, that I have first hand seen the poverty that is plaguing Central America- and have heard the stories of countless Mexican, Dominican, Guatemalan, Nicaraguan, Haitian and every other Central and South American Country's citizens. I have heard the stories of poverty in their native countries and the stories about crossing the US boarders spoke in their own tongue. I empathize with the severe situations that many families and individuals find themselves in. I understand why they seek to enter the United States. Speaking without racism, I continue this post.

Based on 2004 studies 8,200-10,000 illegal immigrants enter our country on the average day. It is projected that by the year 2010, 14% of our nation's population will be illegal immigrants. These are staggering figures! Specifically as the US becomes more of a welfare state. With socialism knocking at our door in the form of Universal Health Care and other social reforms- our country puts its economic infrastructure in the hands of the immigration policy makers and those that enforce those policies.

59% of illegals in this country live at or very near poverty levels. That means that they survive off of either our welfare system, or through necessary crime to survive. Either way, they are not paying taxes that support our growing welfare state, or paying for the increasing need for police as crime rates rise in urban areas, or paying into our current Medicare system. That being said, in the past 5 years 23 California hospitals have been shutdown largely due to the over population of illegals that either cannot or do not pay for the medical care they receive.

For now, things are fine. What will happen to our country as we become more and more socialist when we have more and more non-tax contributing illegal immigrants living in the US. Like I said, I am empathetic to the situations that families find themselves in- but what will happen to our country in 10 years, 15 Years or 25 Years, when we continue down the path we are on? I personally am not a believer in creating the Social Democratic Republic of America- but if our socioeconomic structure can't support itself in 10-20 years because so many of our populous are non-tax paying illegals, then what happens to everyone, including those here illegally? I helps no one. Illegals will eventually bite the hand that feeds them....and bite it off, because they do not support the very system that they rely on.

Our borders must be closed and more regulated, specifically the Arizona border or our economy will inevitably collapse, maybe not today or tomorrow- but someday.


Leslie said...

Agree with the last paragraph for sure. I hope that happens sooner than later.

Unknown said...

i knew there was a problem, but this just highlights the severity of the issue. its sad really, and honestly makes me SICK to my stomach. the statue of liberty says
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these — the homeless, tempest-tossed — to me;
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door."

THAT is the america we once had.. now, that is nothing but a joke. americans are tired, poor and homeless.. and until we fix our own problems, they need to close the f***ing border.

Eric said...

I love this one Matt. Truely this will be the demise of our great nation.