Thursday, June 5, 2008

Peace in the Middle East

Dwight D. Eisenhower Video (Introduction to Blog)

We are currently faced with more turmoil in the Middle East than ever before. Why is it that after years of war, occupation and nation building are we seeing more and more unrest in this area of the world? Why has the United States been so hated by countries like Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq?

In the video Eisenhower speaks of the military industrial complex having too much power and what that would potentially look like. He said, "We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications, our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved, so is the very structure of our society."

"In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, weather sought or unsought by the military industrial complex."

"The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties and democratic processes."

The fact is, we have let the military industrial complex have too much power. They have brought and kept our nation in war.

Our nation has assumed the responsibility to police the world in the name of national security. This policy is what caused us to invade Iraq. If we are not careful- this policy will cause us to invade Iran. This policy will always initiate nations like Pakistan and Iran to act defensively (which as per our policy we view as offensive measures) by seeking nuclear warfare capabilities. Perpetuating the problem that we are trying to prevent. Basically, what formula we are acting under is this:

prevent and preempt= safety and preservation of our liberty

We do the first part of that formula, but our desired result will never occur by preempting any country to build their own military industrial complex. The actual formula looks like this:

prevent and preempt = instigate and destroy liberty and culture

When did we become the nation that told other nations what they could and could not do? Why is it our job to police the world? Is it any wonder that our nation is among the most hated?

Our nation's policing the world causes the growth of Al Qaeda, again perpetuating the very problem that we are trying to solve. All I am trying to say is that, yes there are incredibly serious problems in the middle east- but our current strategies are only causing our adversaries to grow in numbers and in reason.

No doubt, by continuing on the path that we are currently on, Iran will become an increasingly more threatening nation. I blame a lot of it on us. We need to seek more peaceful resolutions in regulation of Nuclear Weaponry. Each nation should have the right to defend its commodities and its way of life just like we do. I do fear the power we could allow Iran or Korea or any other nation to have. The problem is that it is not our job to allow or not to allow them to do anything.

I end with the almost prophetic words of Dwight D. Eisenhower: "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties and democratic processes."


Kelly said...

I'm inclined to think that you should have campaigned with Ron Paul - you could have taken the White House. :)

captainamerica said...

Matt couldn't have even PAINTED a white house with Ron Paul on the ticket ;)

A and L said...

to compound the problem, even the countries who don't hate us are becoming apathetic toward us. you might like this book- the second world: empires and influence in the new global order. i haven't read it yet, but i listened to the author give a presentation/q&a to the carnegie council.

nice blog. i like a lot of your ideas.

Sheena said...

Hey Matt, this is Sheena (Max's friend from the Halloween party). Anyways, I really like your posts. I am a big supporter of Barack Obama. However, you did make some good points. As far as getting money back into our economy, Obama said one of the first things he was going to do was re-analyze the budget for Iraq, and cut all unnecessary expenses. He wants to stimulate the economy by putting more jobs here: reconstructing bridges, edifices, etc. here in America. He also wants to provide jobs by producing more energy sources here. These plans are very positive for America. Middle class people with great educations have lost their jobs too. They too, worked hard to get where they are. It is the middle class people who are suffering the most. Poor people benefit from welfare. Rich people get great tax breaks. What about the middle class? Who makes up the majority of the United States. Obama wants to provide some stimulation for them. It makes sense to me. I would like to hear your response though:)