Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Barack is in- let's get behind him

For any of you that ever read my blogs know that I have not been the biggest supporter of Barack Obama. I have not given any real direct attacks on him, more just blogged about things that he supports like socialism and foreign policy.

We are now days away from having a new President. I know that many of us share a common lack of enthusiasm for this change. As I think about the coming 4 year term, the current state of economic affairs at home and abroad and of conflict in the Gaza strip- I think about who our captain is. Who is leading the ship? What decisions will he make to fix our severe economic downturn? What level of involvement will the future President choose to have in Gaza? When will US troops exit Iraq?

I think only time will tell the answers to these questions.

I am making a personal decision during this next term. I am choosing to do my utmost to support Barack Obama in all of his correctly principled ventures. No doubt, I will not agree with all he chooses to do- especially tax plans and socializing anything- but I believe that with the charisma he has, he will accomplish many things. All I hope for is that what he accomplishes does not cause the United States to digress.

In the past I have taken a strong offensive position against Barack Obama- I now choose to take a more neutral position as I feel that it is important to provide as much support to our elected officials as possible. I will always be a voice for a Capitalist America, but I believe that our nation needs a leader that we support. The fact is: Barack is our President wheather we like it or not...so, I think we should do our best to like it, and support only his correctly principled adgendas.

That being said, we all must do our part to speak against things that hurt America's economic growth. We must urge our elected officials to vote for things that incentivize the populous to be entrepreneurs. We must promote individual responsibility and capitalism. We cannot allow our country to be more socialized.

1 comment:

tessa said...

surprising as it may be...i think i agree with you :)